R Aquarii

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R AquariiLRGB-20


When I saw the gorgeous sky at sunset on Thanksgiving, 2013, I decided to take up Joe Mize on a recent challenge he posted (see stardust observatory link below) to image the nebula around R Aquarii.  The seeing was OK early but later deteriorated so I did my 1X1 luminance images first and 2X2 RGB color data later.  Above is a 2 hour LRGB image of the tiny (2′ X 1′) nebula Cederblad 211 around enigmatic variable star R Aquarii (link about R Aquarii for the curious).  Perhaps in the future I will grab some H-alpha data on this cool object!  I got plenty of cosmic ray hits in my original data as temps fell below 30 deg F. (see freezing temps and cosmic ray mouseover above).

http://www.aavso.org/vsots_raqr – info on R Aquarii

http://stardustobservatory.org/images.php?page=details&id=367 – 5 hr exposure L(Ha)GB through 16-inch