Hanging Out with an Octo Friend

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Common Octopus (Octopus vulgaris) – Blue Heron Bridge, Riviera Beach, FL

While exploring the bridge, its easy to make new friends.  Like-minded divers in the parking lot – curious animals in the water.  During this dive, we had just walked in off the beach and made it about ten feet before I saw this little octopus perching up out of its lair.  I was still fitting my lenses onto the housing in front of this creature, when I looked up and saw it ‘jump’ up towards my strobe.  It ‘hung out’ for a little bit before retreating back into its home.  I was unable to get a shot (as the friendly octopus skirted out of frame and onto my gear) but my Dad managed to capture the moment via GoPro.  Each and every animal in the ocean has a personality.  If you spend enough time in the water, you’re bound to run into some of the friendly individuals, as we did this time.  You can see the octopus react, physically, during this moment, as it changes color pattern from the first image to the next.

GoPro 3 Black, 55mm +10 diopter, Sola Photo 800 (x2)